The Manila Observatory (MO) is a research institution that pursues science to empower vulnerable communities to address the urgent challenges of sustainable development and disaster resilience.

MO issues Extreme Weather Bulletins (EWBs) when a typhoon may potentially impact the Philippines. The Risk-Informed EWBs are intended to improve the selection of Areas of Interest (AOIs) for Emergency Observation and Mapping (EO/M). In effect, the risk-informed EWBs rationalize the selection of AOIs for satellite pre- and post-disaster monitoring.

Risk is defined as the confluence of hazards, exposures, and vulnerabilities (IPCC, 2012; 2014; 2022). The local AOIs are requested through the Sentinel Asia (SA) OPTEMIS (optemis.sentinel-asia.org) in the form of Emergency Observation Requests (EORs). The members of SA data provider node (DPN) and data analysis node (DAN) provides pre-, post-, and during disaster satellite imageries, and value-added products (VAPs). These EORs are elevated to the International Disaster Charter (IDC) during extreme events. Upon the availability of satellite observations and VAPs, the actual impact assessments covered by AOIs are generated.

Featured Maps

National to Regional Scale

Typhoon Hazard Index
Infrastructure Exposure
Infrastructure Exposure
Typhoon Vulnerability
Typhoon Vulnerability
Infrastructure Risk to Flood
Infrastructure Risk to Flood

Actual Impact on Areas of Interest

Cagayan River Basin - Detected Flood
Cagayan River Basin
Hazard - Extracted Flood
View Map
Pampanga River Basin
Pampanga River Basin
View Map
Cagayan River Basin - Vulnerability
Cagayan River Basin
View Map
Actual Impact
Actual Impact
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Group on Earth Observation (GEO) is an intergovernmental partnership that improves the availability, access and use of Earth observations for a sustainable planet. It promotes open, coordinated and sustained data sharing and infrastructure for better research, policy making, decisions and action across many disciplines.
The Microsoft Planetary Computer is a platform that lets users leverage the power of the cloud to accelerate environmental sustainability and Earth science.
The Manila Observatory (MO) is a research institution that pursues science to empower vulnerable communities to address the urgent challenges of sustainable development and disaster resilience.
Xavier University - Ateneo de Cagayan (XU) is a Filipino, Catholic and Jesuit educational community dedicated to the integral development of the person for the needs of Mindanao, the Philippines and Asia-Pacific.
Sentinel Asia (SA) is a space-based international cooperation for disaster management in the Asia-Pacific region. Established in February 2006, SA is expected to implement not only emergency observation but activities covering entire disaster management cycle including mitigation, preparedness, recovery, and response.
The International Charter executes priority tasking of different Earth observation (EO) missions in a rapid fashion; it is designed to address requests concerning major disasters caused by: natural events such as earthquakes, fires, floods, ice jams, landslides, tsunamis, ocean storms, volcanic eruptions; and man-made events such as oil spills and industrial accidents.